Who I am

My name is Massimo,
cooking has always been one of my passions, it relaxes me, I like to experiment, share and enrich my culinary knowledge.
I’m interested in everything about the world of food and beyond, food/wine/cocktail pairings, dishes from regional traditions but also those far from our Mediterranean cuisine.
I love cooking extremely simple and quick dishes but when time allows me also the most innovative and long preparation ones.
I hope to convey all my passion for cooking to you and to make you want to cook with me!
I also await your advice..because you never stop learning and my thirst for knowledge is great!
If you want to experiment with some of my recipes, send me the photos, I will be happy to publish them in a special section.
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All photos and content in this blog, unless otherwise specified, are my property and protected by copyright.
If you want to use them, please follow the link to my blog.
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Therefore, it cannot be considered an editorial product pursuant to Law no. 62 of 07/03/2001
The contents present on the blog Pizza e Focaccia “of which the owner of the blog is the author cannot be copied, reproduced, published or redistributed because they belong to the author himself. Copying and reproduction of the contents in any way or form is prohibited. The publication and redistribution of contents not expressly authorized by the author is prohibited. Copyright ©Pizzaefocaccia.it by Massimo di Gregorio. All rights reserved
This blog is updated without periodicity and is not a newspaper. Pursuant to law no. 62 of 03.07.2001 cannot be considered an editorial product. The texts and photos published on the site are the exclusive property of Massimo di Gregorio and are protected by copyright law n. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments. All rights reserved. The publication of texts and photos taken from this site is not authorized.
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